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You can read about some of her adventures below,

and don't forget to "like" Flat Granny on Facebook!

Had a Great Visit in Indiana

MAY 31, 2010:
Flat Granny is on her way to Ohio. She had a great time in southern Indiana.
She did enjoy helping Bill get the payroll in this morning:

She also helped Betty pick up some of our dirty laundry:

She enjoyed our morning exercise group and she and Jeanne L enjoyed a conversation before exercising together:

Granny really enjoyed getting down and dirty with our Campus in Color program. She helped as we planted flowers and vegetables with the residents. This is where she met a special gentleman Flat Gramps. Gramps is a retired farmer, having recently sold his strawberry farm and moved to Autumn Woods. Our local area used to be one of the largest strawberry growing areas in the United States. You may notice that Gramps has a sunburn-too much time in the strawberry patch without sunscreen. Granny and Gramps did enjoy our “Make your own Strawberry Shortcakes” social on Friday afternoon. The residents loved the fresh strawberries and the time with Granny and Gramps too.

Gramps and Granny spent some romantic moments in the moonlight. Granny asked Gramps to join her on her journey across the country. Unfortunately Gramps traveled more than he cared to while he was in the Army during WWII. He did try to talk Granny into staying with him in New Albany to make an honest man out of him. Granny reluctantly declined-saying she had prior commitments and didn’t want to let anyone down. She packed her bags and hit the road for Ohio today.
Hope you enjoy the photos. We had a great time with her visit.


Sandy Whelan

Autumn Woods Health Campus

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Possible Romance? :)

May 21, 2010: We just received a note from Flat Granny's current hostess:

"Flat Granny has arrived safe and sound. She spent lunch with the residents --and they thought she was great. They enjoyed hearing about her adventures on her journey. We are looking forward to involving her in some fun things while she is here, including helping as with our Campus in Color-which is our outdooor gardening projects. We also thought she might like to meet a Flat Gramps-romance could be in the picture.
Sandy Whelan, ADC"

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Home School in Ohio

MAY 13, 2010:
Flat Granny visited the Bailey family in Springfield, Ohio.  There she took part in their home school lessons along with the three Bailey children and attended their co-op classes, including Art, Story Time, and Ohio History.  She had a great time!

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