Great Times in Kansas
FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 2010
We received this letter from Granny today:
We received this letter from Granny today:
Hello family!
I tell you what, I have had a very exhausting but great week! I have done nothing but run, run, run. I don't know how these ladies do it.
I finished off the day on Tuesday talking with Sr. Jeanne Marie about her counted cross stitch projects.
On Wed. morning I had a beauty shop appointment. Keri, the beautician, didn't have much luck with this mop of mine. It was just a bad hair day!!! We even tried mousse and sitting under the dryer, but nothing worked. This Kansas humidity is wreaking havoc with my hair. I seriously thinking about getting a wig.
I met two of the nicest volunteers! Nancy has been coming for 15 years and her friend Margaret has been coming for the last two. They were so nice. They let me call the numbers for a little while and then you will never believe what they put me in charge of! PRIZES. They want miniature candy bars for their bingo prizes so that's what they get. Don't think I wasn't in chocolate heaven!!
I got to help their maintenance man Gary. He was so much fun! He even stopped and sang Happy Birthday to one of the ladies here.
I have worked with a couple of their nurses, Elaine and Kathy and I also got to learn how to play solitaire with Sr. Mary C.. She's in charge of Pastoral Care.
To relax I went out to the garden with Sr. Cecile. She and I read a book together for a while and then we visited. She pointed out how pretty the clouds were.
Their garden is beautiful and they have several different colors of roses. I went to look at the red ones and I guess Mr. Bumblebee thought I was invading his territory or something. He was not very pleasant and chased me off. The nerve of some people!!
Thursday was a much slower and sad day. One of their sisters, Sr. Graciela passed away on Monday morning. Her funeral was yesterday. They do a really neat thing though. They all got together the night before the funeral and had a short prayer service and then went to the dining room, had refreshments and told stories about her. Some of the stories they told were so funny! What a great way to share in her life. I learned that she was originally from Chile and was a pharamcist. How cool is that?!!!
Their local newspaper is really small and it only took Sr. Loretta and I about 5 minutes to read it!
Sr. Mary G. has this cool little red scooter that she buzzes around on. She took me for a ride and we went outside. She drives around the parking lot with this miniature broom and dust pan and cleans up trash. Their parking lot would pass even MY white glove test.
I was telling them that my flight to come home is on Tuesday and guess what....they're planning a GOING AWAY party for me on Monday afternoon. Talk about making someone feel special!
Well, it's almost time for lunch, so I'll bring this to a close. Laurie said she is sending pictures be watching for them!
I love and miss you all very much!
Resident Life Coordinator
Dooley Center, Atchison, KS
Submitted by: Laurie Kloepper, ADC/SSDResident Life Coordinator
Dooley Center, Atchison, KS