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HERE to be placed on her waiting list. Please be patient, as she currently has a 5-6 month waiting list!

You can read about some of her adventures below,

and don't forget to "like" Flat Granny on Facebook!

Flat Granny was in outer space!

Flat Granny took part in NASA's "Face in Space" program in February 2011.   Her photo was among those that accompanied the crew of the Discovery on their mission in space.   She received a certificate to commemorate the event, which you can view HERE.

The certificate reads:
This certifies that the face of Flat Granny has flown in space aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery on mission STS-133 from February 24 - March 9, 2011. The face was flown on Discovery's mission to the International Space Station at an altitude of 220 miles above the Earth. It flew at a speed of more than 17,400 miles per hour as itorbited our planet. On behalf of my crew and all of NASA, we thank you for sharing the excitement of our mission and welcome your interest in space exploration. We were glad to have you aboard.

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She had a long visit...

Tuesday, March 01, 2011 6:37 AM

 I’m sorry we have kept Flat Granny for SO long!! She has been through a lot with us! Very bad snow storms, staff having extended time off, and latest..the influenza virus!

We have appreciated her visit and wisdom. In my absences, my staff couldn’t have done it without her.
Mimi at Good Shepherd

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